“Across the Horizon” to be released Spring 2025 on Albany/Parma Recordings (2/2/2025) - Stephen Goss: A Concerto of Colour (with the Eastman Wind Ensemble) (2017) Astor Piazzolla: Cinco Piezas (1980) Heitor Villa-lobos: Five Preludes (1941) Bill Dobbins: Fantasia for solo guitar (world premiere recording) (2017) Phillip Houghton: Stélé (1989) Andrew York: Home (2019)
Goluses plays Bach in association with NASA and the International Space Station (9/20/2024) - The new footage has been taken from the International Space Station as it traverses the Earth. They have asked for me to supply a performance of Bach’s Sonatas, one of humankind’s most sublime achievements. As heard above the beautiful planet that we all share, this seems especially fitting for these times. It’s my honor to […]
Augustine Foundation Master Class Residency (3/22/2024) - Masterclasses at the Manhattan School of Music as this year’s Augustine Foundation professor in New York on March 20-22, 2024.
Manhattan School of Music 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient (4/16/2019) - Award Ceremony May 17, 2019, Manhattan School of Music, New York.
Stephen Goss, A Concerto of Colours, European Premiere, Glasgow (2/24/2018) - A new concerto for guitar and wind ensemble, as part of a consortium commission by guitarist Nicholas Goluses and the Eastman Wind Ensemble conducted by Mark Davis Scatterday. The European Premiere was given at the Royal Scottish Conservatoire in Glasgow, Scotland.
European tour (2/24/2018) - Recitals and masterclasses in Ireland and Belgium. Masterclasses at the Lemmens Institute, Leuven; Guest External examiner for PhD dissertation at the Dublin Institute.
New CD for LINN records: Nicholas Goluses plays Samuel Adler (10/20/2016) - A New CD for Linn Records. Works by Samuel Adler including the Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra with the Eastman Philharmonia Chamber Orchestra, Into the Radiant Boundries of Light with violist Phillip Ying, Ports of Call with RPO Concertmaster Juliana Athayde and Orpheus violinist Renée Jolles, and Five Choral Scherzi with Eastman Chorus, conductor Bill […]
RPO Concerto Soloist (10/7/2016) - Concerto Soloist: Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. Rodrigo Fantasia para un Gentilhombre and Vivaldi Concerto in D major Michael Butterman, conductor Hochstein Performance Hall Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 2PM