“Goluses is masterly, a musician’s musician.”
– American Record Guide

“Goluses played with masterly control of form and substance, the musical style remains true to the letter and the spirit of the Baroque.  Playing with clear articulation, expressive embellishmett and vibrant rhythm, Goluses makes pieces intended for a gowed instrument sound elegant on plucked strings.”

– Cleveland Plain Dealer

“Fine, solid and musical playing, exhibiting a high degree of understanding, style, and scholarship.”

– Classical Guitar (London)

“Nicholas Goluses [is] professor of guitar at the Eastman School of Music and has held the Segovia Chair at the Manhattan School of Music. As expected with credentials like those, he plays superlatively.”

– Fanfare

“A deeply sensitive and dignified reading. Lovingly crafted music, which is how Goluses treats it, with lots of care lavished on it. Goluses sets a bench-mark for present-day guitarists. A disc that should be irresistible to guitarists.”

– Grammophone

“This recording is fine by all parameters. Nicholas Goluses’s guitar work is thoughtful, architecturally sound, rhythmically incisive and, most important, fluent. The sound is excellent, providing an aurally rewarding traversal through the glories of these incomparable pieces. The transcriptions are true to the spirit of the violin originals and, indeed, are often illuminating. A significant recording.”

– Fanfare

“With his depth of scholarship, strength of technique, and high quality of tone production … there is much excellence in Goluses’s recording. Very well recorded.”

– Grammophone

“Goluses plays with much intellect and vigor. The transcriptions and the counterpoint are well conceived, and the playing clean and adept.”

– American Record Guide

“Nicholas Goluses not only has an excellent sense of style, but also has the musical intelligence to spot good music. Goluses plays Sor’s music with a calm elegance that is touching in its directness … his performance compels the highest praise. Scholarly and professorial it may be in its accuracy, but there is true musical understanding in the performer’s well-judged expression. Make no mistake: this is highly accomplished guitar playing. Goluses’ subtlety, together with a beautiful tone, wins the day.”

– Classical Guitar (London)